On Wednesday night Isla attended a dinner to celebrate the 100th birthday of Chanel’s N°5 perfume, at the Felix Bistro & Brasserie in Sydney. Isla looked chic in a head-to-toe black Chanel outfit. Only one picture from the event seems to have been released, and you can see it in our Gallery:
• Chanel’s 100 Years Of Celebrity Dinner x1
Inside Chanel N°5’s 100 years of celebrity dinner
Chanel N°5, the first ever fragrance created by French fashion designer and businesswoman Gabrielle ‘Coco’ Chanel is perhaps the most famous fragrance in the world. Now 100 years old, it’s only fitting N°5 should be celebrated with a bang.
Chanel hosted an intimate dinner in Sydney in order to properly celebrate such a historical achievement, filled with women who embody Chanel’s empowering and pioneering spirit. Suitably held at the classic French restaurant Felix Bistro & Brasserie, the outstanding guest list were styled in pops of Chanel, completed with a spritz of N°5. The night was topped off with a special performance by Ghanaian-Australian singer Genesis Owusu.
The N°5 story all started in 1921 when Chanel met perfumer and chemist Ernest Beaux. Chanel sought to create a fragrance that could portray the modern liberated woman of the 1920s, which she herself was the perfect example of.
After several months of trying to perfect the fragrance, Ernest came up with 10 samples that Chanel had to evaluate — and she chose number 5, of course.
Chanel N°5 has since then revolutionised the perfume industry, and it quickly sparked interest in other big fashion houses to create their own fragrance. 100 years later, it truly is one of the the most iconic perfumes in the world.