A few weeks ago I got stuck into some content work and almost completed our Isla information section! New pages were added for Astrology, Charities, Contact Isla, Cover-O-Graphy and Isla Loves, among others, while existing pages, such as Isla’s Family, were updated. I’ve done a lot of research to put together these pages, in an attempt to make it as original, comprehensive and accurate as possible .. so I hope you find some interesting info in there, and enjoy the section!
All that remains to be done in the Isla section now is putting together the Press page which will in turn spawn more information for our Trivia and Quotes pages. I will also update the Biography soon too.
This will likely be my last update before Christmas, due to the busy holiday season. However, I will get back to working on the content, as well as some Gallery screencapture updates, asap after Xmas Day itself (if not sooner, depending on time!). Enjoy the new content updates, and check back soon for more Isla goodies 🙂