It’s about time Isla Fisher got her own movie. After stealing all of her scenes as Vince Vaughn’s adorably psychotic love interest in Wedding Crashers, not to mention earning her dues through a host of supporting roles, the delightfully funny Australian (and fiancé of Sasha Baron “Borat” Cohen) has a vehicle that really showcases her talents. Confessions of a Shopaholic stars Fisher as Rebecca Bloomwood, a consumer-obsessed young woman who stumbles around department stores and fakes her way through financial journalism, fan dancing and speaking Finnish. We chatted with her about the film, her own tastes in fashion, her gift for physical comedy and tapping into her inner idiot.
The Wave: What was the most fun style discovery you made making this film?
Isla Fisher: Using a lot of color in my wardrobe. I’m fairly conservative normally and I just feel like [costume designer] Patricia Fields brought out the color in me. I now love to wear color.